Elmira College offers several study abroad and academic exchange programs to enrolled students. 

These programs allow you to take a full-time course schedule at accredited institutions that count toward your graduation requirements. Each partnership is specially crafted to help you become an active learner and a globally engaged citizen while living for a short period of time in a different country.

Elmira College has two tiers of partnerships with international institutions: Study Abroad Exchanges and Tuition Discounts.


Study Abroad Exchange Program

Elmira College Study Abroad Exchange Partners allows you to pay tuition to Elmira College while taking courses at one of our Exchange Partner’s institutions.  You will register for a full-time course load while abroad and will live on or near the campus. You will pay for room and board at the university you attend while abroad. Some additional expenses (e.g. healthcare, travel, recreation, etc.) are possible depending on the location.

Exchange Partners

Students work at tables at the University of Strasbourg
Université de Strasbourg

Strasbourg, France


Tuition Discount Partner Program

Elmira College Tuition Discount Partners allow you to attend a foreign institution at a discounted rate. You will pay tuition directly to the institution and have your credits transferred back to Elmira College. You will pay for room and board at the university you attend while abroad, and some additional expenses (e.g. healthcare, travel, recreation, etc.) are possible depending on the location.

Tuition Discount Partners

The exterior of the University of Strathclyde's business school
University of Strathclyde

Glasgow, Scotland, UK

A student takes notes in a class
Regent’s University

London, England, UK


To learn more about Elmira College’s Study Abroad opportunities, contact the Study Abroad Office at studyaway@photographywaltz.com or call (607) 735-1189.

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